The full Interview (2 Parts) is in the Post named jooish Crimes & kabala (from November 2009), in the Article with the Title Banking Schemes of Exploitation. In the full Interview Aaron Russo as an Insider reveals interesting Information about how Nicklas Rockefellers 911 Fraud and the Banking Schemes of the global Elite are used to influence Governments to finaly rule a Worldwide Government. Unfortunatly Mr. Aaron Russo died under not so clear Circumstances..

Click on the Images above to enlarge them for a closer View. Notice the 45 Degree Angle of the Steel Trays of the WTC after the Attacks, Steel does not melt down in a Angle of 45 Degrees like that but Steel Trays of a Building get cut in a 45 Degree Angel during a controlled Demolition.
Survivers of the 911 Attacks bear witness there were Explosions in the WTC seconds before the Airplane Hit
Mr. Barry Jennings (Deputy Director of Emergency Services Department for the New York City Housing Authority) as a Witness mentions Explosions beneath him within the WTC Building and says directly how he had to walk over Dead Bodies in that Building to get out Barry Jennings died under unclear Circumstances after giving this Interview.
Alternative Search Engine that doesn't cancel critical Information like joogle: type in search terms like "911 hoax", "911 fraud" or "911 false flag"
jooz traveling to the wtc to "record the events" (Quote), caught by Police. How did they know the "event" will "take Place" to travel there to "record" it ?
The Corporation named Convar from Primasens in the State of Rheinland-Pfalz in the Federal German Republic was hired by the Department of Defense of the USA to analyze the Hard Discs of the Computers that were found in the Ruins of the WTC. Richard Wagner, a Expert from Convar said on the Harddisc from the WTC was Information found that proves there was prior Knowledge of the Terror Attacks on the WTC and accordingly Transfer of Money in high Amount very close to the time of the Attacks. Here is a Link to the Convar Homepage with a Video about it in German and here the same Video with Subtitles in English