Due to my Origin I had never heard about Christ or much about Religion in a wider meaning. The First time I heard there was a Bible was from "jehovas witness", that was in the early 1980s when I was a little Boy, since then I was in the Watchtower Society and later on I became a Preacher of the watchtower society. The time when I left home to study in College, I was very much fed up with religious oppression in my jehovas witness home and didn't want to hear anything about Religion, Religion became a Taboo. Although I was very offended by the Furtiveness I had seen coming from the so called Bretheren from the Assembly and quit going to the Assemly, I still had the Watchtower Publications with me, in my mind the Watchtower Doctrines itself were still the "Truth". One Evening home when i sat there at the Window, something in me told me to read and I began again to read the so called "new world translation" (Quote), what the watchtower calls their Bible. It is strange I did read watchtower publications again, after all what I experienced by the jehovas witness.
Later in Summer 2002 my Dad bought me my first Computer that had a build in Dial Up Modem, I didn't have the Intention to go online, I needed a Computer to write down my Studies for College. Coincidentally or not, some time later a friend I had back then recommended to me an Internet Chat Service, not with any good Intentions I have to admit, I wanted to Date more Women, so I was new to Internet Chats. The Women quickly became a side Issue to me when I saw People in Internet Chats saying that Jesus is God. I thought I will set them all straight ! From the time when I was a Preacher from the jehovas witness, I had a little brown Booklet, its named "Unterredung Anhand der Schriften" (in German), in that Booklet there are Topics with Questions and Answers, things a jehovas witness has to parrot to someone in a Discussion, they taught Question and Answers by Role Playing in the Assembly on Stage. Those People on the Internet who said Jesus is God --- PRAISE THE LORD --- came to me with Questions I did not find an Answer for in my little Brown Answer Booklet from the Assembly (jehovas witness). Today I can say that was great, because I then had to search for Answers but I didn't find them in jehovas witness Publications I extra ordered by my Family that were all into jehovas witness back then. One of the wachtower Publications I ordered was a magazine about should someone believe in the Trinity. The Trinity was the Problem I had, I wanted to tell them all it wasn't real. It was a very hard time all that reading watchtower publications, Bible Translations with Dictionaries and Debating back and forth with the Trinitarians on the net. This is not a sensational Story as some People come up with. I asked jehova to tell me what is the right belief but he didn't answer, The Trinitarians confused my jehovas witness belief very much with Questions that didn't have Answers in the watchtower Publications. Some time later after reading and debating I came to a Point where I felt an inner Destruction, what was the right Belief ? jehova didn't answer my prayers, neither could I figure out what Belief is right by all the studying of different Publications and Translations. I couldn't find God but then I said "JESUS", in the Pain I was. Jesus answered me, not in an audible Voice but I felt a strong Force in me, for a short moment I thought the Force will consume and burn me but the Force didn't, it was JESUS himself who I called begging to show me the Way and then I could believe that JESUS is GOD. I couldn't find Faith by myself, God gave me the Faith. I felt a total comfort and believed in Jesus for the first time ! The Bible became whole new to me and I was reading that Night for Hours, now it made all together perfect Sense what I read in the Bible. Jesus is God !
Later I met a young German Woman who unfortunately was into the seventh day adventism, her Husband is kurdish too. I discussed with her on the Internet for four Months many hours a Day about the sabbath, then one Day I got a Message from her saying now she doesn't believe in that sabbath keeping anymore, several times she got me that fed up angry with her stubbornness, I had deleted her from my friends list in the Internet Chat but she send me Messages on Cellphone and urged me to came back in Discussion with her. I had several times given up on her wrong belief. I was so very glad she finally believed and I said to her, the Angels in Heaven are glad too, she found that a nice thought. At that time I believed but wasn't Water baptized but I knew Christ commanded it in Mat.28.19, I knew I will obey. Her Husband was unfortunately very much against her new Belief and left even the home to his Cousin for a Day but I had asked her to tell her Husband to not leave her, for God hates Divorce, so do I. We realized we both aren't water baptized, we needed a Church to get baptized, so we found one and were both baptized the same Day in the Church, that was in February 2005. I remember it was a Saturday, because the next Day we went to Church and had Communion. The Church was stunned about the Circumstances how we came to Faith and we all sang together Praises to the LORD. I told her to bring her Husband with her to our baptism, it is to bad he refused. Her Husband finally got baptized too, in December the same Year. Even from the hundreds of Distant Relatives I am the only one who believes in Jesus, it is amazing from all them God chose only me. I am despised by muslims, neo nazis, distant relatives, americans and their ashkenazi fake jooish Masters for insisting to much on Scripture against their both pseudo and anti Christian Politics but I will stay in the Word of God against every trick demons try. Amazing Grace, what an amazing Grace God showed to a Wretch like me, an amazing kindness I didn't deserve, God had not forgotten me from even the time before the Foundation of the World was made, he called me, and so I believe.
Watchtower magazine dated May 15th 1984: "1914, The Generation that will not pass away" Here a Link to that same Magazine www.cftf.com/1914/index.html#p5 The watchtowers Prophecy regarding the Year 1914 was that the Generation which consciously lived through the Year 1914 (the outbreak of the first World war), wouldn't die out before "Armageddon" takes Place but that Generation passed away without Armageddon taking place as the Watchtower prophesied. If a jehovas witness claims there was never such a Prophecy made by the Watchtower Society, tell them to get that Copy (on CD-Archive for example) of that Watchtower Magazine and read it by themselves. When I asked an active Member of the Watchtower Society for an Archive CD to read with my own Eyes whether there is such a 1914 Prophecy by the Watchtower, he refused to give me that Archive-CD, saying the Watchtower wont, to avoid "misuse". I rather think the jehovas witness wanted to hide their failed Prophecy. Here a link to other watchtower society publications with contradicting doctrines www.blueletterbible.org/study/cults/exposejw/chap2.cfm
Here a Website with the Names of those who made the "New World Translation", the so called Bibel of the jehovas witness, the watchower wants to keep the "translators" names secret http://www.freeminds.org/history/NWTauthors.htm
Names of Authors of the "new world translation": Frederick W. Franz (Main Translator), Nathan H. Knorr, Milton G. Henschel, Albert D. Schroeder, Karl Klein, George D. Gangas, etc.
An average "jehovas witness" thinks he or she is "in the Truth", I was told that 1914 Prophecy all my Life but the watchtowers failed 1914 Prophecy was not my personal Reason to leave the watchtower Society. Nowadays the watchtower claims a "new light" to cover up their failed 1914 Prophey. A jehovas witness has an outward form of godliness but as a Christian you are not supposed to let in false Teachers into your Home (2.John.2.10), if they don't refuse, give them reading Material at your Door from for Example www.macgregorministries.org an Outreach to the lost Souls of the watchtower Society.

The three Pictures on the left are Scan Images of my German Luther Translation of the Holy Scripture