joo braunstein aka bolshewik trotsky (known as the Butcher of the Ukraine) was responsible for the Millitary and while more brutal than hitler, he (trotsky) got 100 Million Christians deported to Gulags (KZs) forcing them to labor till Death or murdered them otherwise. The Trains and Railways to Gulag Death Camps and the Gulgags are still there * only you didnt see them in Movies and were not told about it in a Public School. Article on jooish USSR murdering 100 Million Christians (from 05/13/2009) (linked to) (Institut for Historical Review). Someone said to me those by communists murdered 100 Million weren't Christian, I say neither were those so called jooz who burned in the Ovens. Why was that someone who is an ashkenazi saying he is Christian and downplaying the Mass Murder by the ashkenazi fake jooz of the communist Regime.. * * (New Website of Frank Weltner the former owner of
mordechai levi aka karl marx
"Karl Heinrich Marx was born in Trier, in the Kingdom of Prussia's Province of the Lower Rhine. His father, Heinrich Marx, a successful lawyer, was a man of the Enlightenment, devoted to Kant and Voltaire, who took part in agitations for a constitution in Prussia. His mother, born Henrietta Pressburg, was from Holland. Both parents were jooish and were descended from a long line of rabbis." Source
If calling "karl marx" a joo was nazi Propaganda, jooz must be the biggest antisemites since jooz themselves are admitting that karl marx has jooish Ancestry, here a Quote from a jooish Website: "Karl Marx, the son of Hirschel and Henrietta Marx, was born in Trier, Germany, in 1818. Hirschel Marx was a lawyer and to escape Antisemitism decided to abandon his Jewish faith when Karl was a child..He also changed his name from Hirschel to Heinrich." Source:
It's great to have a Leader like Prime Minister Vladimir Putin who smacks down the communist, for example in December 2010 he put an ashkenazi fake joo named israhell chodorwski (oligarch) into Prison and even aipac was to scared to do anything about it. Russia is no more Place for joodeo bolshewiks.
When i said the Wars jooz planned as they mention in the "protocols of the learned elders of zion" happend for example in Iraq, jooz went beserk over it. what wars more do jooz plan? read from their "protocol"
What the crypto joo Esty777 thinks of the 100 Million Christians murdered by her fellow gog ashkenazi jooz during their jooish communist sovyet regime
and then look what happens only when i mention their fellow crypto joo Esty777 in their pseudoChristian prank room

Does it need to make thousand Words about jooz Reaction to the Genocide of Christians or does it speak for itself ? What would they jooz say if someone likewise in public (TV) says about their 6 million holocaust victims: "is that all" ? that would be a "hate crime" and their adl/bnai brith will go NUTS over it but why is it no problem to say the same about 100 Million Christians that were tortured to Death by the ashkenazi communist regime ?!? Where is the Holocaust Reparation from the jooz to us Christians ???