Men Rights 

The Basic Men Right is that a Man souvereign and freely makes his own Decisions for himself and his Life. 
The Basic Men Right is in Conflict with the socialisation of Men, Expectations to men and even written and unwritten rules and laws the Women made in their Favor on Cost of Men. The Intention of the Men Rights Movement is to abolish all things that are in Conflict with Men Rights and misandrinious. The Word Misandry means Enmity against Men.

A misandrinous Law Women made is that a Man has to pay Alimonys to a Woman, while Women dont have to pay Alimonys to Father and Child. For a poor Women it is easier to marry a wealthy Man, than for a poor Man to marry a wealthy Woman, which is an unwritten Law and very convenient for Women who want to use Men like a Cashmashine for Alimonys. Men who involve with Women are to blinded by their Love or simply dont know that Men are set up by DEFAULT according to the Law to pay Alimonys to the Women. Men who know about the Alimony Scam by Law and still involve with Women must be realy damaged in the Head. How can a Man although he knows he only has to pay, still involve with women? These Men must realy be out of their Mind ! I think Men need to sober up from their Love and vain Cinderella Imagination and see that involving with Woman is throwing away Money and ruining his Life. in the usa if a man does not pay child support, he goes to prison while women dont go to prison for not paying child support, women never have to pay money.

In December 2013 it was made public that there has been a male birth Control Pill (mbcp) invented, it has no influence on the bodily male Function, everything bodily stays same with the Pill, only it causes temporary infertility. if the man stops taking the pill, he can have children again. the male birth control pill means a great break away of financial income for Women, because the alimony money scam wont work anymore, when Men gain Control and Power over their own male reproductive Rights, that is why women already protest against the mbcp pill but men have to insist on their Right to freely choose their Way. After all, women said back then in the 60s their body belongs only to them, why do women suddenly have a Problem when the Men say the same ? I heard women say on the mbcp: "we dont want to be controlled!" if so, then why does she take the pill too? when men take the pill its not good because with that men would control women (in her opinion) but women do the very same when taking the pill and control the men, then it is suddenly ok?!? why would I or any other Man accept womens double standard?!? i dont, you shouldnt either and neither will any other man who can think.
It is the Mens Choice if they want to take the Pill or not, the women should look for another financial income source than Men. I think the Male Birth Control Pill is realy necessary, as long Women dont have to Pay Aliments to a Man for the Man and the Child they made to him.

Male Birth Control Pill, men dont have to pay aliments anymore and women hate it :)

Dangerous Waters

a man says no, funny video :D 

Another financialy ripping of men is Prostitution. Men have to pay, women dont. I am amazed that Men dont see what a tremendous and absolut disrespect that is to Men, on a very intimate and personal level and on top of it Men get the Blame, while it is the woman who financialy expolits the man. If it was true that Men get from a prostitute what Men pay for, then why dont Women pay Money to Men for Sex and accept same Way the saying that Women get what they pay for? 
A Prostitute takes the money BEFORE she has spread her legs, a "wife" takes the Money AFTER she has spread her legs, in the divorce process on court where the financialy rips of her ex-husband. 
As long the unwritten Law that always the Man has to pay the ho and the written Law that always the Man has to pay Alimonys etc. to an ex-wife has not been abolished, it is nothing else than 
Self Destruction of Men, that Men keep involving with Women. I mean the woman-deception (honeytrap) is thousands of years old (eve) and still men are swallowing that deception by women like fish keep swallowing the hook, although at least one fish could have looked and noticed from the mistake of another fish that the hook means fighting to death. once i didnt know what actualy the Bible meant when say thet a man goes to a prostitute like a bull to the slaughter-table, now i know. 
Men are the slave of the word (saying slave to avoid the n-word). 
If you havent been DISGUSTED of women by now after reading this and thinking through, you are on great danger to fall for a Woman and according to the Law you are set up by default to be the looser (alimony payment etc.). 

Do you want to become a Father ? If you produce a Child, the Women can take it from you anytime she feels to and then you have to pay Alimonys, while she does not has to pay alimonys to you for you and your child. that is the law in western countrys. the solution to that problem is surrogate mothership service from india. you can choose an egg cell from a catalog and have your child implantet into the surrogate indian mother. in india (yet) surrogate mothers must give up the Fathers child to the Father, that is the law in india. i think from a socio-political point of view that is the best Way for a Man to be a Father, without some ho who uses a fathers child like a weapon against the Father. trust a woman only as far as you can throw her (which women did to men for ages now). 

All the Misandry has this Reason: Men desire Women, While Women dont desire Men. 
Gentlemen, can you grasp that sentence, how far it reaches ?  think about it, please. Consider all the Misandry mentioned before, that Misandry is only possible because Men make the mistake to love and desire women, then the women use a Mans love and desire against him to destroy him, to puff up their hollow female pride. Doesnt that remind you something? it goes waaaaay back to the garden eden. Adam loved his Wife and she used his love against him to deceive him to Death. after all the thousands of years adam makes still the same STUPID DUMB mistake by loving and desiring woman and then he bleeds financialy to death, has indeed to work to eat in the sweat of his face. it is ironic, i think divine irony in that curseby God, that that what adam loved (eve) became the curse to him: he has to work to eat in the sweat of his face, while the woman with him does not. 

i wonder, why did God creat eve anyways, knowing that she will be satans stooge to deceive adam to death. it is not written that adam was created to die, it is written that he was to die only if he eats the forbidden fruit, which means if adam had rejected eves deception to eat that fruit, he would have lived until now. Adam could have happily lived in God perfect creation without end, inventing great things with his perfect intelligence, and having an awesome enjoyable happy and endless Life. why did God say it is not God that a Man is alone? knowing that eve will be a satan beside satan, a deceiver. should have God decide to say it is better for adam that he is alone and happy in his paradise? i wish he had. however, we have the curse in woman-form unfortunatly in the world, yet there is no antimater weapon available to x women without exception out of excistence. smart men stay single and avoid the curse. 
gentlemen, buy yourself a car, a dodge challenger or some other car for a man, drive around enjyoing life. be souvereign, be free ! 
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