jooish Views on Christians and Christianity
Below are Audiorecordings and Screenshot Images of well known jooz in Chatrooms, click on Images to
enlarge them to read. The Fact that I expose here Recordings of jooish Views on
Christians and Christianity does not mean that I would agree with the same
shira64, a pic from her chat-profile (if that is realy her)
A pic of pinky pincus. a sufi Girl (aman) ordered him 6 Pizzas and on Top of the Package she let them write: "you are next"
pincus a. shain, 1171 ocean parkway Apt. K4, brooklyn new york 11230-4027; Current Tel# 718 677 0394
pincus a. shain (joo) aka pinky says: "Did you see the Bible burning Fest in israel ? Oh that was so nice" (Quote) and he keeps insulting Christians while he has a large Audience in his Chatroom. A crypto jooess ("susu ile amura") and co-admin in his room said this tape was "eddited" but israhell has an annual New Testament Bible Burning wich is reported by BBC and CNN. Is CNN and BBC now "edditted" too ?!? Since jooz have no Problem suggesting that Beard Dude in the Confession Videos of 9/11 in CNN and BBC was "osama bin" you know who, BBC and CNN should be credible enough as Source even for the zionist to prove that jooz celebrate indeed an annuall New Testament Bible Bunring Feast in israhell: * if susu_ile_amura was not a joo, she wouldnt make false excuses for jooz like saying the pinky tapes were "eddited" although knowing better and then she coadmins in pinkys chatroom, that tells. Only look at her profile pic below and have a look at her textchat at me, if thats not mentally ya know what you tell me:
more of susus "x-rated" pick-up skill
ani_ho calling the New Testament "lot of Cra*". In a muslim Chatroom she is against Christianity and amongst Christians she is against islam, to incite hatred between People of different Beliefs, typical for jooz. She had a miscarriage and doesn't have Offspring.
The fake joo gog ashkenaz typicaly posing as Christian
shawn karon aka venomfagx posing as Christian to steal Money, here Videos documenting venomfagx Fraud, later venomfagx fake-apologizes for his $ Fraud in fear of legal Consequences
(PART 1) - Paypal Not Happy
Part 2 - The more entertaining part
PART 3 - Lies, and Trickery Exposed
PART 4 - Sick Kids Hospital
PART 5 - PayPal REALLY not happy !!
PART 6 - My Contact at PayPal
PART 7 - A Last Request
PART 8 - PARENTS Not Happy (his dad "hilton" realy angry)
Shawn Karon, 19 Circle Court, Thornhill, Ontario, Canada, L3T 7X2
(Current Tel.# tel: 905-731-8992)
ice t girl (crypto) is a fellow gog ashkenazi friend of venomfags, someone said to me she slept with muslim Men. When I said privately to her someone said to me she did "adult things" with muslim Men, she asked me who has told me that. When I said I promised I wont tell and when I as a Christian of course refused to break my Word, she publicly said I have called her a "wh0re" (quote) -which I didn't- and then she freaked out. If there was nothing to that what I heard about her, why couldn't she simply say no its not true what you have heard instead accusing me falsely plus freaking out!?! Another Female (svyat_pravda) who allegedly was "Christian" who I heard at same time the same thing by the same Person about, had changed her nickname and some time later tried to change her Voice by putting her Hand (or something) on the mic while speaking in a Chatroom but the Roomowner (not me) said he sadly can confirm its "svyat" now claiming to be muslima.
The fake joo gog ashkenaz posing as atheist
One day I have seen tesh (on Friday Feb. 4th 2011) in a non religious Room in the social Issues Section. The Roomowner was claiming the Bible was a masonic Product to control People. I took the Mic and was mentioning Genesis Chapter 10 Verses 1 to 5 where ashkenaz is mentioned as a gentile but not as a Semitic as masons and the sinagog of satan claim, to give by the Bible a thought how the Bible is not a masonic Product because the masons and the sinagog of satans claim that ashkenaz was a joo is in Contradiction to the Bible. While I was on Mic mentioning Genesis10.1-5, tesh was randomly pasting Scripture and openly contradicting that Scripture to the Scripture itself, then openly saying she does not want that God and telling me to F off. Why did she suddenly freak out telling me to F-off when I mentioned Genesis 10. 1-5 ? By the Way, same was with mapels ashkenazi fake jooish prank Room, they protested against Genesis10.1-5 where ashkenaz is mentioned as gentile. Apparently I touched by mentioning Genesis 10.1-5 something tesh really didn't want to be mentioned.
The very next Day I have seen tesh in a "preterist" Room in the so called Christian Category apparently in agreement with the preterists (Picture above). Isn't that Strange? Contradicting Scripture with Scripture, openly rejecting the God of the Bible, mocking and the very next Day she is reading Scripture with People in the so called Christian Category ?? It's not that strange, it's joodaism and tesh fit the patterns of joodaism well: Their so called ra66i kook said "atheism is good for joodaizm", accordingly the ashkenazi fake jooz are atheist as long they attack Christianity and Christians but these so called atheists will be quick to defend the sinagog of satan by attacking a Christian when he reads for example Genesis10.1-5 where ashkenaz is named as gentile but not as semitic (from shem). ra66i kook has a writing named "faith hidden in atheism and atheism hidden in faith" the atheist role play by tesh was "faith hidden in atheism". There are a plenty of other ashkenazi jooz too who pose as atheist. People don't notice when for example on "rosh hashana" atheist Rooms close. People don't notice when for example tin 66 switches back and forth between atheist and joo over time or tesh switches openly from contradicting Scripture with Scripture while openly rejecting the God of the Bible to someone who considers the Scripture in a preterist Room in the so called Christian Category. Ever wonder why People despise jooz ?
vandenplas (pawn of jooz) opens a Room to support somalian Christians but he denies even the Excistence of Palestinian Christians, because he is a racist Fool that trys to belong with the zionist Clowns, yet he accused me thereof.

(later the address and the whole page were removed, guess because that address is real)
It was not always the joo-gimp ech 0 who did the Stalking, I figured out later who it was all the time: Utopian Jooniverse made the exact same Quote as a stalking fake-nick did and NOBODY ELSE EVER DID in these Rooms! It was a Quote of several Lines of anti-islamic sayings of Dr. Luther and that fake-nick dropped the usual 1-Liner "fat turk from germany" too, since that very Moment I KNEW it was utopian jooiniverse who did the stalking for over 2 years. Dr. Luther published an anti-zionist Booklet named jooz and their Lies in the Year 1543, yet in mazlem owned anti-zionist rooms jootopian poses Dr. Luther as a zionist joo, apparently not all jooz are little einsteins. the usual stalking by jootopian is dropping her 1-Liner "fat gay turk from germany", yet it is her jooish tradition to suck blood from circumcized dyck an call it metzizah b'peh, here a video of jootopians rabbi explaining the Importance of sucking blood from circumcized dycky when I posted that video it slapped the jootopian stalker under fake-nick like paralized.
i think jootopian is a high ranking officier of the mo55ad internet deception service, because she is a leading jooish gang member and seems to have a lot of influence over jooz. I find it interesting that this Post on jooish Views of Christians was not touched by the blogspot System-Administrators for Years but then shorty after i made this Update about the jootopian stalker, then the whole Post suddenly falls of the Net due to gog ashkenazi Censorship, because it says the negative truth (lashon hara). Delete it again, i will upload it right away, i have this on CD !
If you didnt get enough yet, there are more Screenshot Images of zi0nist owned
Chatrooms, I recomend them only to Readers with Nerves like Steel Ropes and a
strong Stomach:
"johnquick" (bot of joo) is making fun of raped and murdered Children, saying they were not human but only little protestants, i.e. Christian. click on the image left to enlarge the image to read.
"Dunedin Dragon" (joo default) says he wants a "gun" to "kills some Babies" (Quote). Notice the strange Like jooz have for Infants. Do not assume "johnquick" and "dunedin dragon" were only making some patter, jooz indeed murded Humans to sell their Organs, it was even in the News in TV, look here: F.B.I. arresting ra66is for US Human Organ Harvest and Money Laundring , Reported by:
Fox News
CBS News
The fake joo gog ashkenaz poses as atheist or Christian or switch back and forth between atheist and Christian as they see fit to attack Christians to go unchallenged. Non of these fake jooz can take what they dish out. If you are Christian, come together with Christians and stop the mouth of the so called jooz, according Titus1.10-14 ! Junie is telling ya:
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