Christianity vs Racism
Racism against Blacks by jooz and Whites has been publicly a Topic but yet Racism by Blacks against Whites and other non-blacks is a Taboo to the Public (in Massmedia like TV). In this Post I am breaking that Taboo, because the Solution to the social ill of Racism by blacks against Whites and other non-blacks requires an Identification of that social ill first, the black Racists know that too and that is why they avoid to call Racism by Blacks what it is: Racism. In the following I mention police recorded Cases of Black on White racist Murder, to identify there is Indeed the social ill of Racism by Blacks against Whites and other non-Blacks.What the Solution to the Racism by Blacks on Whites and other Ethnicites is, is another Issue. As a Christian of course I wish that everybody would become a Christian, because then the Eyes are upon JESUS Christ, the Prince of Peace and inter-ethnical Relations become truely peacefull. Unfortunatly the vast Majority of People are not Christian. How can they have Peace when rejecting Christ the Prince of Peace? they can't and factualy they don't as the black racist crimes on whites from the Police Reports prove. After I mention the police recorded racist Crimes by Blacks on Whites in the following, I write about the Peace in the (possible) multiethnical Church (in the usa). Another Solution to the racist Crimes by Blacks on Whites is a racial Segregation in the usa. Some Blacks I heard call for a all out Race War. The vast Majority of the Blacks i talked to like Racism by Blacks against Whites. However the Solution to the black Racist Problem is, it will be better than what is now.
Black on White Murder
Blacks murder a 13 Month old white Baby
5 blacks rape and slowly torture a young white Couple to Death in Knoxville Tenesse. Shannon Christian (21) and Christopher Newsom (23)
black racists gang up on whites to beat them to death
Type into the Searchengine the Term "black racist murder of whites", you will be amazed how much hits your Search has, look here
In TV the black racist rape-murders of whites are not mentioned, because the TV is owned by gog ashkenaz the sinagog of satan and they do not want to awaken the white population but let them sleep while these whites are getting slowly tortured to death by black racists.
What Race does the most Crimes
4.8% of the Blacks are in Prison, while 0.7% of the Whites are in Prison, according Department of Justice Statistic ID NCJ 217675
same is found on Wikipedia:
That DoJ Statistic means blacks are 7 times more criminal than Whites. An Argument from a black racist I heard was, that is because the blacks can not afford Lawyers but that Argument is fake, because someone who can not afford a Lawyer, will get a Lawyer payed by the State. How about quit doing Crimes instead of fakeing the same lame Excuses for them ?!?
Why dont their jooish Masters help the White ?
The white american zionists worship gog ashkenaz the sinagog of satan and murder irakis, palestinians and syrians for gog ashkenaz. Now gog ashkenaz lets the white american zionists fall like a hot potatoto when blacks murder them. what goes around comes around, eh? White Americans know that the ashkenazim usurp their Central Bank and have totaly infiltrated their Government. At least the ashkenazim could have put some more Police-Personal on the Streets, to protect the White People from black racists but gog ashkenaz does not, because gog ashkenaz wants to use the black racists as a Tool to slowly Genocide the Whites in the usa. The Whites are under a spell by gog ashkenazi kabalah witchery and wont wake up from the comatose worship of gog ashkenaz the sinagog of satan.
If you read my other Posts, it was the white american zionists, who attacked me for speaking against their blasphemeous gog ashkenazi masters. I actually should be glad that the white american zionists get their bum kicked by blacks but however, little kids like a 13 month old can be anything when they grow up, they have not done anything to anyone at all and certainly nobody has the right to take their Life.
Where are the blacks against black racism ?
blacks outrage when a non-black like the officially not guilty found Mr George Zimmerman successfully defends against attempted black racist murder (and maybe rape too) but the same blacks don't mind at all when other blacks murder a 13 month old white Baby or rape-murder a young white Couple (web-links mentioned above). That is because these blacks are racist themself and for the same Reason it is, why Russians don't let blacks live in Russia. I guess that is why black racists despise Russia, because they can not rape-murder whites in Russia. Once a black murdered a white Man in Russia and the Russians killed every black in the Land over it. A white Person can only be glad to not have to live in the Toilette-Hole gog ashkenaz has turned the "usa" into. I did see a Video on the Net with a black female whining about the racism against blacks by Russia but if these blacks are really soooo much against racism, why dont these blacks whine about their own black racist rape-murder of whites in the usa first ?!? that shows only how double faced black racists like the "black panthers" are. the "kkk" is not better, i'll tell (later) in this Post why.
If you are a Believer, read this Verse about Race in Relation to Salvation:
Revelation 5:9 And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
When in Heaven are People from every kindred, tongue, people and nation, that means there are Africans who go to Heaven, same as there are Kurds and Whites who go to Heaven. The Way to Heaven does not lead over your skin color. Entering Heaven requires Baptism into Christ, I write about that in the Post How to become a Christian (dated January 2010).
Someone cant be against white Christian or against a black Christians or any other Christian like a kurdish israelite mixed Christian (me for example) and be a Christian at same time, because if there were no black Christians, white Christians or kurdish Christian in Heaven, then the Prophecy in Rev.5.9 that there are people of all nations, kindred and tongue in Heaven would fail but of course prophecy doesnt fail and there will be black Christians, white Christians and kurdish Christians as I in Heaven :) by Gods Grace.
Revelation 1:11 Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last: and, What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which are in Asia; unto Ephesus, and unto Smyrna, and unto Pergamos, and unto Thyatira, and unto Sardis, and unto Philadelphia, and unto Laodicea.
Revelation 1:14 His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire;
How can JESUS be black, when his Head and his Hairs are white like Wool ?
What Race were Abrahams Children ?
Was Abraham an African from the Land of Ur? No. Abraham was a Chaldean from the Land of Ur, that is todays South-Kurdistan (a.k.a. irak) which is in the middle east (not Africa), accordingly Abrahams Children, i.e. the Israelites were middle eastern too but not european (white), ashkenazi (turkic) or african (black). Why is it then we middle easterners are called "sandniggers" ? I myself am not black and I am not white either, im ethnically middle Eastern, a Kurd, as I wrote in my Articel how I was found by Christ (dated December 2009).
JESUS CHRIST is the Remnant of Israel, because he is the only Seed of Abraham (Galat.3.16). Believers who have been baptised into Christ have put on Christ (Gal.3.27) and belong to Christ as the Seed of Abraham (Gal.3.29) which is Israel (Is.41.8). I wrote on that in the Post named What does the Bible say about Jews (dated November 2009). Someone who claims an Israel outside of Christ, is an antiChrist, because they deny that all the Promises given to Israel fulfil in Christ and that is another Gospel beside the Gospel of JESUS Christ.
Against the demon-trick Racism
I experienced racist bigottery by white american pseudoChristian zionists, they began to attack me for speaking against their gog ashkenazi masters nasty blasphemy. Am i now rejecting Christ because white pseudoChristians attack me ? NO, OF COURSE NOT ! and by the way, Christianity is not the white mans thing, their thing is nordic godesses and gods, superstition from their white european origin. the racist bigottery by white american pseudoChristian zionists is a trick by the devil, to make non-whites disgust from Christianity but I am waaaay above such trick, because I got my calling by God and not human. You shouldnt buy into the demon-trick either.
Accursed Race
I heard white racists or ashkenazi jooish racists claim, that blacks are an accursed Race, because ham the black son of noah was accursed. Remember adam and eves sin? After Adam and Eve sinned, they were accursed by God (Genesis3.16,19). that means not only blacks were accursed but any other human beeing was accursed too, since all human beeings descent from adam and eve.
I have good News for you: JESUS CHRIST broke the curse :-)
If you believe in Christ, you are blessed and not accursed anymore at all. That is the Reason why to not hate every black Person, because there are black Christians, as we can see with Rev.5.9 (quoted above), they should rule their Homeland Africa and posess all the natural Ressources in African Soil. The kkk hates every black Person, even the black Christians and that is why the kkk can not be a Christian Group, actually the kkk was found by ashkenazi jooz sine the slave ship owners were gog ashkenaziym, while pushing white in front, to make the whites get the blame. it is typical for gog ashkenaz to make other People fight against each other, i wrote articels on that, for example about jooish communism.
here are list with the names of the gog ashkenazi slave ship owners
Name of ship | Owners | Ethnicity |
Abigail Crown Nassau Four Sisters Anne & Eliza Prudent Betty Hester Elizabeth Antigua Betsy Polly White Horse Expedition Charlotte Caracoa | Aaron Lopez, Moses Levy, Jacob Franks Issac Levy and Nathan Simpson Moses Levy Moses Levy Justus Bosch and John Abrams Henry Cruger and Jacob Phoenix Mordecai and David Gomez Mordecai and David Gomez Nathan Marston and Abram Lyell Wm. De Woolf James De Woolf Jan de Sweevts John and Jacob Roosevelt Moses and Sam Levy and Jacob Franks Moses and Sam Levy | Jooz Jooz Joo Joo Jooz Jooz Jooz Jooz Jooz Joo Joo Joo Jooz Jooz Jooz |
Source of the List above:
Once Upon a Time . . .
The Snake in Eden was the black Man and deceived Eve and the Blacks today are the "Serpent-Seed" of the black Snakeman. I heard that "Serpent Seed" Fairytail from gog ashkenazi and white racists too. The last time I have seen a black Man, he was walking on the Sideway on his Feet but the snake was supposed to crawl on earth, as a Curse for deceiving Eve. That means since black Guy has Feet, he can not be a Snake. It appears trivial to say that but ya know, for some Reason racists do not run out of Fairytails to smear our Christian belief. A racist white (or ashkenazi) female said to me, only the "myth" of it is relevant, she meant if it suits her racist Agenda, she can come up with the pseudoChristian "Serpent-Seed" Doctrine but else care less about Christ. That Serpent-Seed Doctrine claims that the flodding was not global but the Flodding was global, that means if there was any "Serpent Seed", it died in the global Flodding (except the real Snakes on the arch).
Multiethnical Church in the usa
A multiethnical Church is scriptual, keeping Rev.5.9 in Mind (posted above). I expect from black Christians to not condon black racism on Whites but openly speak against black racism. If black Christians condone black racism on Whites, then where is the Love of the black Christians for their white Christian Bretheren? To love a Brother or a Sister is the Second Comand, that includes the white Christians, black Christians and the middle eastern Christians too. How can someone not love a Brother he can see but love God who he can not see? I am openly pro middle eastern Christians and I am pro black Christians and I am pro white Christians too. People have to learn that pro White does not has to mean anti Black and Blacks have to learn that pro Black does not has to mean anti White. I am ethnically a middle easterner and I have my kurdish identity which I dont need to deny, same is with Whites and Blacks, they may have their White and Black Identities. Our Bodies all physically descent from Adam and Eve, all the colors we have were in Adam and Eve and differenciated out in Generations. God created us to have different Colors, it is good that our Christian People have different Colors. When they have been baptised, there should come good out of them all and I think the multiethnicality can be a blessing in multiethnic Relation amongst Christians on Earth. A blessing can be interracial Marriage amongst Christians or even if it is only cooking together Meals of different ethnical origins in a weekly Party after Church, I find international Cuisine delicious! Before an interracial Marriage, I would take the time to watch the future Wife or future Husband, to see whether it is realy Christian how they conduct themselves and only if they are realy Christian (whatever the ethnic is), they will be not a Curse but a Blessing.
There is Scripture that says to not offend a Brother, maybe the black Christian finds something odd about a white Christian Brother or a white Christian Brother finds something odd about a black Christian Brother and I think they should simply speak it out, then they can arrange living amongst each other in peace, at least it will be like a great Burdon taken from People when they have the opportunity to speak out. This Peacemaking within the Church of Christ amongst different ethnics/colors can work only for Christians, because only we Christians have the Prince of Peace, JESUS CHRIST our LORD.
Racial Segregation in the usa
The Peace of a multiethnical Church as I wrote before does not work for Unbelievers. Unforunatly the Heathens are the vast Majority and that means to end racist Crimes the only Solution that can be realized is racial Segregation.